Monday, July 12, 2010

Freaking cheergasm

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH can't believe we won!!! Wish Icould replay ytd and hug the judges AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. Thank you to those who supported us like crazy!!! YOU GUYS WERE AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEE :D I love the judges!!! :) and of course thanks to coach yee ming and coach mike , the schl,tchers & cyrens supporters. We even won best supporters ,FIRST TIME. No 21 all the way to #1! Our captain ,Shu Fei & co-capt AhTehTeh are awesomeeeeeeee :) We worked so so so hard , I cried after our performances .So emotional esp before they announced the results.So so nerve wrecking. I hope we still get the perform together,LOVE CYRENS 2010!!! Last year in cyrens,I'm going to miss everybody :( At least we made this yr the best! :D

shin yee's spike! :)


Hugggg coach mike!

zomg shin yee's kick:O
awesome awesome judges , including Santwon of course!


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