Sunday, July 18, 2010

21 to 1!

I still cant believe we freaking won cheer! It still feels like a dream. All the crazy hard work totally paid off. Our school spirit was awesome! We won best supporters too. :) It has been extremely fun and i'll definitely remember this forever. Do u know that the judges hugged us one by one! :O I miss cheer practices alr. I miss yee ming screaming at us during routines. The best two days of my life.

It's ours!!! :D

Judges. ANDREW! :D

Awesome ah shin shinn and nicol-a.

Our clock.

Coach mike supporting us. :)

Work it weiwen!


Our awesome supporters!

Lovin the school spirit.


Waiting for the result.

Winning moment. Unforgettable moment.

After cheer we went to yee ming's bf's restaurant. SKEWERS! The food's great. The desert's awesome! Had so much fun.

With yee ming.

ahahha, nina!


After that, we spent the night at shu-fei and shu-mei's hse. We were supposed to watch world cup finals but everyone fell asleep. -.- i only watched first half.


The next day, we went to school for prize-giving. Our school was so supportive. Then we went to One Utama to watch ECLIPSE! :D

Watch these vids!

I had the best time and i'll never forget anything. I'm gonna miss everyone so so much. Love u guys the the maxx!!

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