Friday, August 21, 2009


today went to cyrens meeting at 9...ah thir and krys called me LOL sadd for ah thir gor scolded by pn norhasniah HAHAHHAHA....anyway about the meeting hmmmmmm....we gonna get a charm coach the way coach mike said it sounds scarry :O YAY we gonna get a much much much better costume and gonna get it 3 weeks before,they are gonna get 300 ppl to support us too...students are to design cyrens t-shirt and the winner will be awarded RM300...we gonna get free shoes hope this time is nike too : D!!! and hope we get yella ribbons : P its better if its free : ) BUT we have to get top 15-top 5 or else they will choose the winner in sports day :(
sooooo go cyrens : D

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