Saturday, August 1, 2009

lin's dream

gonna talk bout lin's dream
HAHAHAHAHAHA...was really retarded...she told me just now

she was in a pet shop
the aquariums,where there is alot of fishes in diff aquariums
you will have to snatch it and buy them but she has to swim with some suit...the aquarium was super huge according to her...then she's catching fishes vei lin was there too
then sudd there was a platform,a helicopter landed she wasn't in the pet shop anymore
but the aquarium is the same,and then a wolf with a man body like a mutant got off the heliopter and talked to her LOL....she said was normal for her in the dream,a dog creature followed them,the dog was swimming in the aquarium,she went back to the aquarium an she turned into a DUCK fake yellow rubber ducks like those in the bathub and then she met a GUY DUCK haahhahaha....they were talking not quacking and she woke up....LOL
that would be so cool if its real....eelin became a duck talking and not quacking to a guy duck HAHHAHAHAHAHA

-shinyee was hre anyway :D-

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