Thursday, July 2, 2009


hie! athira here. I CAN WALK! YAY! haha.. My ankle is okay now. It just hurts a little bit. Cheer clinic was quite scary. Most of the teams were really good. I got really intimidated. I met tye hill!!! He was freaking fierce and strict. I was so excited to meet him. He's one of the best tumblers ever. Today's practice was really stressful. Mr chew came up to the gym to watch us. We were all so nervous. Thank god everything was fine. Our routine is pretty simple now. I hope we can hit everything perfectly. Cant wait to meet tye hill again! :D

Ee lin. haha



The retards. :P

Bubble tea!

Shin yee!

Amanda attempting the 'c face'.

My stunt group.

Tija and cali!

BYE! :)

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