Wednesday, June 24, 2009


OOOOOOOOOOOH yeaah , Hi :) EeLin here!
I stink of chinese medicine. Mom had to massage my back and yeah.
Today was unproductive for cyrens. hahahhaa.
Twas funny though . All of us were distracted . Reason : Michael.
OK , sounds so.. weird. He's 12 and you know ,with muscles!! hhaha.
& Zomg , I am super heavy now I think , ate donuts , pancakes , chocs , sweets.
Plus there hasn't been fitness ,
anyway pics ;

He's cuter than Matt OK!

& Jeff. Minus that girl on the left.
He's cuter than Matt too , look at his eyes!
It's jealousy : (

Hahaha I like this picture. Even that random old man.

Butt better heal fast tomorrow , Heh.

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